Tag: Brunch

Empanaditas (Mini Empanadas)

Empanaditas (Mini Empanadas)

Some friends invited my husband and I to a party recently. Their menu called for heavy hors ‘doeuvres. That is one of my favorite kind of party menus because you can usually get many different kinds of small bites in one evening. That makes my 

Ham Buns with Secret Sauce

I’m not sure where this tradition started, but I’m glad for it. I was introduced to “ham buns” around the first of February last year. The youth group in our church sold them for $2.50 each (and they freeze well). Until that point in my 

Crispy Baked Kale Chips

Crispy Baked Kale Chips

Now I know what the fuss is all about. I think everyone knew about kale chips except for me. Several months ago I saw an episode of Down Home with the Neely’s on Food Network. When I finally got around to making these and tasting 

Mom’s Potato Salad

Mom’s Potato Salad

Everyone loves my Mom’s potato salad—even when I make it! I have been making my mom’s potato salad for several years, mostly for large gatherings. I’ve made  it for 4th of July parties, potlucks, and even a wedding with hundreds of people. This is one 

Strawberry, Orange & Grape Salad with Basil

Strawberry, Orange & Grape Salad with Basil

When invited to someone’s house for dinner, or a party, my Mom taught me to always ask if there was anything I could bring.  So, when my husband and I were invited to an impromptu barbeque at a friend’s house, and asked what we could bring, 

Warm Salmon and Roasted Asparagus Salad

Warm Salmon and Roasted Asparagus Salad

When my husband and I have a busy in our lives we have a tendency to not think about what we eat.  We derail from a health lifestyle – and throw all dietary guidelines out the window, eating whatever we want whenever we want.  When 

Broiled Wild Salmon

Broiled Wild Salmon

I used to be intimidated to make a whole side of salmon. Not anymore! Making seafood has been a learning curve and it takes practice. This is a salmon preparation that I now serve to guests! Broiled Wild Salmon1 large fillet (about 2 pounds)3 tablespoons 

Easy Crisp-Tender Oven-Roasted Asparagus with Peeled Ends

Easy Crisp-Tender Oven-Roasted Asparagus with Peeled Ends

These Easy Oven-Roasted Asparagus are crispy yet tender from end to end because part of the stalk is peeled. They are quick and easy enough to make for a week night dinner, and elegant enough to serve to guests. Sometimes you can find tender thin 

Cauliflower Gratin

Cauliflower Gratin

Cauliflower Gratin is one of my favorite cauliflower recipes. Although my “Smashed-cauliflower Potatoes” are a close second, I have literally made this cauliflower gratin dozens of times. I love that I can have a large portion of it if I’m especially hungry. It’s a delicious 

Special Crispy Garlic Smashed Potatoes

Special Crispy Garlic Smashed Potatoes

A few weeks ago I happened to catch Food Network show with Giada. One of the dishes she made really stuck in my mind. So much so, that the next time I went grocery shopping I bought fingerling potatoes. As Giada was cooking the potato 

Penne Pasta Bake

Penne Pasta Bake

Penne Pasta Bake is not only great on a weeknight, but also for any occasion you would like to have something assembled before hand. Then all you have to do is bake it.  It’s easier than lasagna but just as tasty, and this casserole can 

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes – 3 Variations

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes – 3 Variations

Using a slow cooker is very useful for making sure Thanksgiving day (or any special dinner with guests) goes smoothly.  After all, there are so many dishes to make sure we get to the table hot – why not take an opportunity to make it 

Baked Bacon

Baked Bacon

Several years ago I worked at a camp and conference center. We had a full time chef that prepared some pretty amazing meals for groups of 50 to groups of 300 plus. One morning I saw how he made the breakfast bacon on large sheet 

Strawberry, Basil & Romaine Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Strawberry, Basil & Romaine Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Yesterday, I found organic strawberries on sale—three pints for $6.00 and I couldn’t pass that up. While at the grocery store my husband and I decided to invite some friends over for a casual dinner and a movie. With our usual dinner-for-two bumped up to 

Tomato Sandwich

Tomato Sandwich

Now that I have homemade mayonnaise, I have a week to use the batch. To begin with, my itch to make the mayonnaise started with my craving for a tomato sandwich. A what? Yes, a tomato sandwich. I must have had a hundred of these 

Mom’s Salmon Patties

Mom’s Salmon Patties

Mom’s salmon patties were an ingenious method for her to get us kids to eat more fish, I’m sure. We always ate them without complaint, albeit with ketchup. I imagine my mom used this as fast weeknight dinner she could make with ingredients she kept 



I love bread. Sometimes, I really think that I could survive on wine, bread, and cheese alone. (But it would have to be really good bread). Even though there all countless types of bread. My favorite type of bread has a crispy crust with a 

Te Con Leche (Tea with Milk)

Te Con Leche (Tea with Milk)

This is a super easy recipe as it consists of 2 ingredients: tea and milk. I first had this beverage back in 1987 on my first night in Spain with my host family. In all honesty, it was the only thing she offered that I 

Roasted Rosemary Sweet Potatoes and Onions

Roasted Rosemary Sweet Potatoes and Onions

I love sweet potatoes!  I didn’t know this until last week. Until now, I have confused sweet potatoes with yams. I didn’t realize that there was a difference until I went to a grocery store that had both and were clearly marked! Yams are the 

Zucchini Frittata

Zucchini Frittata

This is one of my all-time favorite  frittata recipes. I have made this dozens of times and it always tastes great. This recipe comes from the very first cookbook I ever bought called, Reader’s Digest Great Recipes for Good Health, published in 1988 back when 

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

This recipe has made its way to an Easter tradition in our home, and has been served as a brunch item, and used as an appetizer on occasion. If there are any left over (and that is a big “if”) I love to chop them 

Potato Pancakes—German Style

Potato Pancakes—German Style

I have had many versions of potato pancakes, after all, they come in many shapes and sizes. When I was a kid my mom made a version from leftover mashed potatoes which we all loved. I have made them from box mixes. I have ordered 

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