Tag: Contains Dairy

Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Eggplant, and Onions on the Barbeque

Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Eggplant, and Onions on the Barbeque

There are many variations of vegetables you can grill on the barbecue. Here is a combo of vegetables that are readily available through, spring, summer, and fall. All you need is sliced vegetables, olive oil, salt, and pepper to grill a delicious side dish. Eating 

The Famous Hummer Cocktail (Kahlua, Rum, and Vanilla Ice Cream)

The Famous Hummer Cocktail (Kahlua, Rum, and Vanilla Ice Cream)

If you want to put your summer dinner guests into a state of bliss, this dessert-type cocktail is the answer. I was introduced to “The Hummer” by the mixologist himself at the Bayview Yacht Club.  Back in the day, when my husband was working red-capet 

Cheeseburger Salad

Cheeseburger Salad

If you are one of the many people making low-carb recipes a part of their lifestyle then this recipe might come in handy. I was able to transition from “needing” a bun to just putting the burger on a salad.  This is one of my 

How to Cook Thick-Cut Pork Chops with Pan Sauce

How to Cook Thick-Cut Pork Chops with Pan Sauce

Thick bone-in pork chops start in the oven, sear in a pan to finish so they don’t get dried out, and are topped with a quick pan sauce.

Deconstructed Gas-Grilled Chicken and Romain Caesar Salad

Deconstructed Gas-Grilled Chicken and Romain Caesar Salad

We love Caesar salad in our house. We make it often. So when we got our new Weber gas grill this summer the very first thing I made was a grilled chicken Caesar salad. By “grilled” I mean grilled chicken, grilled Romaine, grilled baguette slices, 

Cinnamon Ice Cream

Cinnamon Ice Cream

Now here is a flavor ice cream that you don’t see in the store, “Cinnamon Ice Cream.” Well, I never have seen it. My husband and Father-in-Law like—no love—ice cream, and during my Father-in-Law’s recent stay I made ice cream not once but twice. I 

Baked Eggs (Individual Servings)

Baked Eggs (Individual Servings)

You know how when you are shopping for a new or used car, and you’ve got it narrowed down to a couple of makes and models, and then you start seeing those cars on the road everywhere? Have you ever had that experience with recipes? 

Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Martha Stewart’s Popovers, and Mimosas

Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Martha Stewart’s Popovers, and Mimosas

Scrambled eggs, bacon, Martha Stewart’s popovers, and mimosas has become my family’s go-to menu for holiday breakfasts. Whether it is Thanksgiving morning, Christmas morning, or Easter morning there is a good chance that my Mom is making this breakfast. Even though my husband and I 

Turkey Enchiladas with Homemade White Sauce

Turkey Enchiladas with Homemade White Sauce

Turkey Enchiladas with Homemade White Sauce is made with left-over turkey. It’s like a surprise to your palate—going from savory sage to spicy chili. Therfore, it’s one of my favorite leftover recipes after Thanksgiving.  I’ve had something similar to this recipe except it was made 

Ham Buns with Secret Sauce

I’m not sure where this tradition started, but I’m glad for it. I was introduced to “ham buns” around the first of February last year. The youth group in our church sold them for $2.50 each (and they freeze well). Until that point in my 

Chicken Capri Deluxe

Chicken Capri Deluxe

I have made some version of this recipe at least a dozen times in the past 6 months. I’m not even sure if I’ve made it the same way twice. The original Chicken Capri recipe is on page 214 of The South Beach Diet Cookbook. 

Chicken Pot Pie—Family Style

Chicken Pot Pie—Family Style

How many times are you inspired to make a recipe because you flip through a cooking magazine or see the cover of one while waiting to check out at the grocery store. I decided to make this family-style chicken pot pie for just such a 

Penne Pasta Bake

Penne Pasta Bake

Penne Pasta Bake is not only great on a weeknight, but also for any occasion you would like to have something assembled before hand. Then all you have to do is bake it.  It’s easier than lasagna but just as tasty, and this casserole can 

Genoa Basil Pesto

Genoa Basil Pesto

A couple of weeks ago I was given the gift of a grocery bag full of garden-grown basil and I knew I was going to make homemade pesto which I had been craving for months. The plan was to freeze most of it so that 

Homemade Mayonnaise (How I learned after failing)

Homemade Mayonnaise (How I learned after failing)

Years ago I read an article about how the taste of homemade mayonnaise is worth the extra effort. I filed that away in the back of my mind on the “to-do-someday” list. Years later I ran across a recipe. I tried it. I crashed and 



I love bread. Sometimes, I really think that I could survive on wine, bread, and cheese alone. (But it would have to be really good bread). Even though there all countless types of bread. My favorite type of bread has a crispy crust with a 

Te Con Leche (Tea with Milk)

Te Con Leche (Tea with Milk)

This is a super easy recipe as it consists of 2 ingredients: tea and milk. I first had this beverage back in 1987 on my first night in Spain with my host family. In all honesty, it was the only thing she offered that I 

Zucchini Frittata

Zucchini Frittata

This is one of my all-time favorite  frittata recipes. I have made this dozens of times and it always tastes great. This recipe comes from the very first cookbook I ever bought called, Reader’s Digest Great Recipes for Good Health, published in 1988 back when 

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

This recipe has made its way to an Easter tradition in our home, and has been served as a brunch item, and used as an appetizer on occasion. If there are any left over (and that is a big “if”) I love to chop them 



I must be in the mood for Greek lately. This is so good I just bought all the ingredients again! Isn’t that the case though—going through seasons of cravings? Or, am I the only one? I am so grateful that I’m actually starting to crave 

Slow Cooker Tri-Tip Sandwiches

Slow Cooker Tri-Tip Sandwiches

I made tri-tip in a slow cooker and turned it into the best sandwiches. This recipe is a treasure because it’s simple and delicious. I can come home and have a meal on the table in about 15 to 20 minutes. Here’s what happened. I 

Portobello Mushroom-Goat Cheese Pizza

Portobello Mushroom-Goat Cheese Pizza

In the Ratatouille post I hinted that I love this pizza, but I must admit it is my absolute favorite.  I had a wood-fired version at a restaurant once, twice, okay a few times until they stopped serving it.  I was quite shocked when it 

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